Aviate Metering

The Aviate plugin offers a metering feature that allows performing usage aggregation. As part of this functionality, the plugin exposes some metering APIs. These APIs provide the ability to create billing meters and record usage data against these meters. This section documents the metering APIs exported by the Aviate plugin.

Before You Begin


The Aviate Plugin uses a JWT based authentication mechanism. Thus, all the APIs listed in this document require a valid token. This can be obtained via the Auth API.



A BillingMeter encapsulates how usages are aggregated. Before recording a usage, it is necessary to create a billing meter corresponding to it.

It has the following fields:

Name Type Generated by Description
code string user Billing meter code
name string user Billing meter name
eventKey string user The event to aggregate on
eventFilters List of String user Filters to be used to filter the events
aggregationType string user Specifies how the usage events should be aggregated. Possible values are COUNT, UNIQUE_COUNT, LATEST, MAX, SUM

The following table explains the different aggregation types:

Aggregation Type Explanation


A UsageEvent represents a single usage to be recorded. It has the following fields:

Name Type Generated by Description
billingMeterCode string user Billing meter code
subscriptionId string user ID of the subscription against which usages should be recorded
trackingId string user User's tracking Id for this usage
timeStamp string user DateTime corresponding to the usage (Uses second precision,Sub-second precision isn't supported).
value number user Amount of usage

Metering APIs

Create Billing Meter

Creates billing meters. If the meter identified by billingMeter#name, billingMeter#eventKey and billingMeter#eventFilters already exists, returns an error.

HTTP Request

POST /plugins/aviate-plugin/v1/metering/billingMeters

Example Request:

curl -X POST \
     -H'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H"Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}" \     
     -H'X-killbill-apiKey: alphaF' \
     -H'X-killbill-apisecret: alphaF' \
     -d '[
            "name": "meter1",
            "code": "meter1",
            "eventKey": "eventKey",
            "eventFilters": ["filter1", "filter2"],
            "aggregationType": "SUM"
         ]' \

Example Response:

    "name": "meter1",
    "code": "meter1",
    "eventKey": "eventKey",
    "eventFilters": [
    "aggregationType": "SUM"

Request Body

A BillingMeter list. At the minimum, one BillingMeter object need to be specified. For each BillingMeter, the following fields must be specified: code,name, eventKey, aggregationType.

Query Parameters

Name Type Required Default Description
accountId UUID false none Account Id to which the billing meter belongs


If successful, returns a status code of 200 and a BillingMeter list

Retrieve Billing Meter

Returns the BillingMeter corresponding to the specified meter code.

HTTP Request

GET /plugins/aviate-plugin/v1/metering/{metercode}/billingMeter

Example Request:

curl -X GET \
-H'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H"Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}" \
-H'X-killbill-apiKey: alphaF' \
-H'X-killbill-apisecret: alphaF' \

Example Response:

  "name": "meter1",
  "code": "meter1",
  "eventKey": "eventKey",
  "eventFilters": [
  "aggregationType": "SUM"

Request Body


Query Parameters

Name Type Required Default Description
accountId UUID false none Account Id to which the billing meter belongs


If successful, returns a status code of 200 and a BillingMeter object.

Submit Usage Events

Submits usage events.

HTTP Request

POST /plugins/aviate-plugin/v1/metering/billing/{accountID}

Example Request:

curl -X POST \
-H'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H"Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}" \
-H'X-killbill-apiKey: alphaF' \
-H'X-killbill-apisecret: alphaF' \
     -d '[
    "billingMeterCode": "meter1",
    "subscriptionId": "8e242ddd-eff9-41d9-b8ca-b2ed77b98da3",
    "trackingId": "24f7f19b-7c05-41e5-82aa-2f85c8a332dc",
    "timestamp": "2025-01-01T10:30",
    "value": 1.2
]' \

Request Body

A UsageEvent list.

Query Parameters

Name Type Required Default Description
pluginProperty List of String false none List of plugin properties, if any. Should be in the format key%3Dvalue


If successful, returns a status code of 200 and a UsageEvent list