Aviate Catalog
The Aviate catalog plugin exposes catalog APIs to create individual catalog entries such as plans, products, and pricelists without the need to manage entire catalog versions. This section documents the catalog APIs exported by the Aviate catalog plugin.
Before You Begin
Tenancy & Account-level
Each of the aviate plugin endpoints below require specifying the standard Kill Bill X-killbill-apiKey
and X-killbill-apisecret
headers, which identify the tenant that should be used. In addition, it is possible to specify an optional accountId
query parameter to create/access catalog entries on a per-account level.
The Kill Bill system will retrieve such entries from the plugin each time there is a need to access the catalog for a particular tenant. If there are per-account entries, only these entries will be returned for the matching account.
Product, plan, and pricelist resources are uniquely identified by the tuple {tenantId, name}. If such a resource was created with or without an accountId, retrying the create call will be idempotent. If the call is however retried with a different accountId (or lackthereof) it will fail with a validation error.
Catalog Retrieval/KB Catalog APIs
At the time of writing, the aviate catalog plugin does not expose any endpoints for catalog retrieval. Instead, the catalog can be retrieved via the KB Catalog APIs.
The Aviate Plugin uses a JWT based authentication mechanism. Thus, all the APIs listed in this document require a valid token. This can be obtained via the Auth API.
This section lists the models used by the Catalog APIs
Represents a plan. It has the following attributes:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
name | string | user | Plan name |
prettyName | string | user | Pretty name for the plan |
recurringBillingMode | string | user | Billing mode (One of IN_ADVANCE/IN_ARREAR ). Currently, only IN_ADVANCE is supported |
effectiveDate | DateTime | user | DateTime when this plan is effective |
effectiveDateForExistingSubscriptions | DateTime | user | DateTime when the price change is effective for existing subscriptions. (Applicable only for plan modifications) |
productName | string | user | Name of the product to which the plan belongs |
pricelistName | string | user | Name of the pricelist to which the plan belongs |
retired | boolean | user | Flag that indicates if a plan is retired |
phases | List of PhaseData | user | list of phases in the plan |
Represents a plan phase. It has the following attributes:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
prettyName | string | user | Pretty name for the phase |
type | string | user | Phase type (One of TRIAL/EVERGREEN/FIXEDTERM/DISCOUNT ) |
durationUnit | string | user | Duration unit for a phase (One of DAYS/WEEKS/MONTHS/YEARS/UNLIMITED ) |
durationLength | int | user | Length of the duration |
fixedPrices | List of PriceData | user | List of fixed prices |
recurringPrices | RecurringPriceData | user | Recurring price details |
usages | List of UsageData | user | List of usages |
Represents recurring price information. It has the following attributes:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
billingPeriod | string | user | Recurring billing period. One of the value listed here |
prices | List of PriceData | user | List of recurring prices |
Represents a price. It has the following attributes:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
currency | string | user | Price currency |
value | string | user | Price value |
Represents a usage. It has the following attributes:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
usageName | string | user | Usage name |
usageType | string | user | Usage type (One of CONSUMABLE/CAPACITY . Only CONSUMABLE supported at the time of writing) |
prettyName | string | user | Pretty name for the usage |
billingPeriod | string | user | Recurring billing period. One of the value listed here |
tierBlockPolicy | string | user | The tier block policy (One of ALL_TIER/TOP_TIER ). Applicable only for CONSUMABLE usage type. |
tiers | List of TierData | user | Usage price tiers |
Represents a usage tier. It has the following attributes:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
tierNumber | int | user | Tier number |
blocks | List of BlockData | user | Tier blocks |
Represents a tier block. It has the following fields:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
billingMeterCode | BillingMeterCode | user | Billing meter code |
size | int | user | Block size |
max | int | user | Max value in block |
prices | List of PriceData | user | Usage price details |
Represents a product. It has the following attributes:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
name | string | user | Product name |
prettyName | string | user | Pretty name for the product |
category | string | user | Product category (BASE/ADD_ON/STANDALONE ) |
availableForBps | string array | user | An array of base product names for which this addon is available (Applicable only for addon products) |
availableAddons | string array | user | An array of addon product names available on this base product (Applicable only for base products) |
Represents the plans, products and pricelists to be created. It has the following attributes:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
catalogName | string | user | Catalog name |
plans | List of PlanData | user | List of plans included in this input |
products | List of ProductData | user | List of products included in this input |
Catalog APIs
Create Plan, Product, Pricelist
Creates one or multiple plans, products, and pricelists. This is a combo API that can be used to create a plan, its product, and pricelist in one go. If the plan identified by plan#name
already exists, returns the existing plan. If the plan pricelist (identified by plan#pricelistName
) is missing, creates it. If the plan product (identified by plan#productName
) is missing and not specified as part of products
, returns an error.
HTTP Request
POST /plugins/aviate-plugin/v1/catalog/inputData
Example Request:
curl -X POST \
-H'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H"Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}" \
-H'X-killbill-apiKey: alphaF' \
-H'X-killbill-apisecret: alphaF' \
-d '{
"plans": [
"name": "premium-annual",
"prettyName": "Premium Annual",
"recurringBillingMode": "IN_ADVANCE",
"pricelistName": "DEFAULT",
"productName": "Premium",
"phases": [
"prettyName": "Premium Annual Evergreen",
"type": "EVERGREEN",
"durationUnit": "UNLIMITED",
"durationLength": -1,
"fixedPrices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "0.50"
"recurringPrices": {
"billingPeriod": "ANNUAL",
"prices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "15"
"products": [
"name": "Premium",
"category": "BASE"
}' \
Example Response:
"plans": [
"name": "premium-annual",
"prettyName": "Premium Annual",
"recurringBillingMode": "IN_ADVANCE",
"pricelistName": "DEFAULT",
"productName": "Premium",
"phases": [
"prettyName": "Premium Annual Evergreen",
"type": "EVERGREEN",
"durationUnit": "UNLIMITED",
"durationLength": -1,
"fixedPrices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "0.50"
"recurringPrices": {
"billingPeriod": "ANNUAL",
"prices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "15"
"products": [
"name": "Premium",
"category": "BASE"
Request Body
A CatalogInputData
list. At the minimum, one PlanData
object need to be included.
For each PlanData
, the following fields must be specified: name
, recurringBillingMode
, pricelistName
, productName
, effectiveDate
, one or more phases
. For each phase, the following fields must be specified: phaseType
, durationUnit
, durationLength
. In addition, the following rules are applicable:
- A
phase cannot have recurring prices - A
phase must have at least one fixed or recurring price - An
phase must have at least one recurring price
If a ProductData
object is specified, at the minimum, the following fields need to be specified: name
, category
. In addition, the following rules are applicable:
- If
, at least one value needs to be specified forproduct#availableForBps
. - If
, no values should be specified forproduct#availableAddons
- If
, no values should be specified forproduct#availableForBps
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
accountId | UUID | false | none | Account Id for which to create the plan/product/pricelist |
If successful, returns a status code of 201 and the CatalogInputData
Create Plan
Creates a new plan. If the plan identified by plan#name
already exists, returns the existing plan. If the underlying pricelist (identified by plan#pricelistName
) is missing, creates it. If the underlying product (identified by plan#productName
) is missing, returns an error. In other words, the caller of this API needs to ensure that the product corresponding to the plan exists in KB before invoking this endpoint. At the time of writing, the product can be created only via the Create Plan/Product/Pricelist endpoint.
HTTP Request
POST /plugins/aviate-plugin/v1/catalog/plan
Example Request:
## without usages
curl -X POST \
-H'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H"Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}" \
-H'X-killbill-apiKey: alphaF' \
-H'X-killbill-apisecret: alphaF' \
-d '{
"name": "standard-weekly",
"prettyName": "Standard Weekly",
"recurringBillingMode": "IN_ADVANCE",
"effectiveDate": "2023-01-01T12:00",
"pricelistName": "DEFAULT",
"productName": "Standard",
"phases": [
"prettyName": "Standard Weekly Evergreen",
"type": "EVERGREEN",
"durationUnit": "UNLIMITED",
"durationLength": -1,
"fixedPrices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "1"
"recurringPrices": {
"billingPeriod": "WEEKLY",
"prices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "3"
}' \
## with usages
curl -X POST \
-H'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H"Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}" \
-H'X-killbill-apiKey: alphaF' \
-H'X-killbill-apisecret: alphaF' \
-d '{
"name": "standard-weekly",
"prettyName": "Standard Weekly",
"recurringBillingMode": "IN_ADVANCE",
"effectiveDate": "2023-01-01T12:00",
"pricelistName": "DEFAULT",
"productName": "Standard",
"phases": [
"prettyName": "Standard Weekly Evergreen",
"type": "EVERGREEN",
"durationUnit": "UNLIMITED",
"durationLength": -1,
"fixedPrices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "1"
"recurringPrices": {
"billingPeriod": "WEEKLY",
"prices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "3"
"usages": [
"usageName": "u1",
"usageType": "CONSUMABLE",
"billingPeriod": "MONTHLY",
"tiers": [
"tierNumber": 1,
"blocks": [
"billingMeterCode": "meter1",
"size": 1,
"max": 1000,
"prices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "20.000000000"
}' \
Example Response:
"name": "standard-weekly",
"prettyName": "Standard Weekly",
"recurringBillingMode": "IN_ADVANCE",
"effectiveDate": "2023-01-01T12:00",
"pricelistName": "DEFAULT",
"productName": "Standard",
"phases": [
"prettyName": "Standard Weekly Evergreen",
"type": "EVERGREEN",
"durationUnit": "UNLIMITED",
"durationLength": -1,
"fixedPrices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "1"
"recurringPrices": {
"billingPeriod": "WEEKLY",
"prices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "3"
Request Body
A PlanData
object. As a minimum, the following fields must be specified: name
, recurringBillingMode
, pricelistName
, productName
, effectiveDate
, one or more PhaseData
. For each PhaseData
, the following fields must be specified: phaseType
, durationUnit
, durationLength
In addition, the following rules are applicable:
- A
phase cannot have recurring prices - A
phase must have at least one fixed or recurring price - An
phase must have at least one recurring price
Optionally, each PhaseData can include one or more usages
corresponding to usage data.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
accountId | UUID | false | none | Account Id for which to create the plan |
If successful, returns a status code of 201 and the PlanData
Modify Plan
This API is intended to modify price points associated with an existing plan. If the plan identified by planName
does not exist, returns an error. When using the API, one must specify all the prices - whether fixed and/or recurring - for all the original phases configured on the plan even if the prices for some of the phases remain unchanged. Other attributes like duration of the phases, etc. are not allowed to be changed. Note that this behavior differs from the /1.0/kb/catalog
KB APIs where phases from the same plan can be changed through catalog versions. Instead, of overloading the same plan in a future catalog version, we want to encourage users to create separate plans when those have different phases.
HTTP Request
PUT /plugins/aviate-plugin/v1/catalog/{planName}/updatePlan
Example Request:
curl -X PUT \
-H'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H"Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}" \
-H'X-killbill-apiKey: alphaF' \
-H'X-killbill-apisecret: alphaF' \
-d '[
"type": "EVERGREEN",
"fixedPrices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "15"
"recurringPrices": {
"prices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "30"
]' \
Example Response:
"name": "standard-weekly",
"prettyName": "Standard Weekly",
"recurringBillingMode": "IN_ADVANCE",
"effectiveDate": "2023-01-01T12:00",
"pricelistName": "DEFAULT",
"productName": "Standard",
"phases": [
"prettyName": "Standard Weekly Evergreen",
"type": "EVERGREEN",
"durationUnit": "UNLIMITED",
"durationLength": -1,
"fixedPrices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "15"
"recurringPrices": {
"billingPeriod": "WEEKLY",
"prices": [
"currency": "USD",
"value": "30"
Request Body
A PhaseData
List. As mentioned earlier, one must specify all the prices - whether fixed and/or recurring - for all the original phases configured on the plan even if these prices are unchanged. Other attributes like duration of the phases, etc. are not allowed to be changed.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
effectiveDateForExistingSubscriptions | String | false | none | Datetime when the price change is applicable for existing subscriptions |
effectiveDate | UUID | false | Current DateTime | Datetime when the plan change is effective |
accountId | UUID | false | none | Account Id to which the plan belongs |
- If
is specified, it is necessary to specifyeffectiveDate
- If both
are specified,effectiveDateForExistingSubscriptions
cannot be prior toeffectiveDate
If successful, returns a status code of 201 and the modified PlanData
Retire Plan
Retire an existing plan
HTTP Request
DELETE /plugins/aviate-plugin/v1/catalog/{planName}/retirePlan
Example Request:
curl -X DELETE \
-H'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H"Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}" \
-H'X-killbill-apiKey: alphaF' \
-H'X-killbill-apisecret: alphaF' \
Example Response:
Request Body
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
accountId | UUID | false | none | Account Id to which the plan belongs |
If successful, returns a status code of 200 and an empty body.